Space Crips and BloodsMy understanding is that AT&T is pretty far along in its upgrade from HPSA (3G) network to HPSA+ (faster 3G). They're doing this to maximize their existing investment in their infrastructure, and they should be able to employ LTE a little faster than Verizon has been, since LTE is a more streamlined upgrade from HPSA+. They claim that this is best for customers long-term, because when LTE (4G) coverage gives out, users can fall back on widespread HPSA+ coverage with similar performance. Whereas with Verizon, when you move out of an area with 4G coverage, you notice a HUGE drop in speed going to their ancient EV-DO technology.
FEDS Crips And Bloods part 2yes, I hope it's true.
I have the gut feeling that Apple is holding off until end of October to:
• first, sell as many ipods as they can
• wait for the Zune
• have a special event for the Video ipod
• have momentum for the Xmas season
I look forward a 120gig drive nd a way to input data on the road ala PDA. that would be very nice.
if apple dosen't let zune come out first, it will be funny. Ms is all counting days and hopeing apple has already show it's hand w/ 5.5, then a day before..bam. apple will release the wonderpod and all will be well.
i agree also that this release would require an event. the new comming weeks may produce silent Mb Mbp upgrades with shuffle/ xserve if were lucky. so i dont think it will be october for wonderpod. before nov 14?
also zune has a lot more going on in the device so people and developers will like it. ipod needs to add some pda conviences to "keep up" with the zune.
Crip And Blood RappersZealund?? :confused:
Damn! I thought I was quick enough.
I originally had "Noo Zulund" but edited it back, missed the second u, changed it again - not quick enough.
Mind you, your quote of me wasn't quite quick enough, it's spelt correctly there.
Crips Vs Bloods/Angelo95210
Sep 13, 06:07 PM
I am looking for a friendly team, but I can't join F@H because I am using Boinc...
BLOOD CRIP - quot;HE#39;LL SHOOTquot;The links from that iTunes Videos thing DO NOT point to any movies. They point to iPod versions of movie trailers. It's just a consolidation of the current content.
But saying that doesn't matter because people aren't reading the thread.
LOL Chundles, looks like your the ring leader for the evening. :p
Crips vs Bloods( RIDamp;WDR )I would ALSO have a lot of trouble with a G4 Quad.
Nevetheless, you can't say anything without actual thoughts, and not RANDOM ones. The G5 Quad you were using must have been misused by kids mucking around with it, not responsible users who take care of their machine.
I'm sure Aperture will run great on my Intel 1,66 Mini, with 2GB RAM
NOTICE THE OPERATIVE WORDS "I'm SURE" meaning... you don't know for sure. I'm telling you... I've tried it. I've asked YOU to try it. You will not be pleased with the results, just as I was not.
Sure kids may have been "mucking around" with the machine, but if a couple of kids messing with a computer is going to slow down the system, I assure you there will be problems in the future. If it's that slow on the current machine, what happens when 2.0 comes out? Do I choose not to upgrade or do I go through the whole upgrading of machines and software again?
As for another "RANDOM" thought... what does that mean, "responsible users who take care of their machine"? Unless you are tossing the machine around like a nerf soccer ball, spilling a can of Coke (not to be confused with Coke II) on it, jamming a 5 1/4" floppy in to the CD slot, or stuffing the USB ports with raisins, these things are pretty tough to break.
I love the software Apple makes. It looks great. The user interface is always top notch. It all makes sense. It just doesn't run very fast on their machines, at least not nearly as fast as the demos always show when Steve Jobs is giving us a sneak peek while dancing on stage in his turtle neck. It would be nice to have multiple versions of these apps so we could have the basic functions that actually perform at a speed that doesn't make the spinning rainbow come on after every click.
Baron Davis Presents Crips Andj-huskisson
Sep 12, 07:36 AM
I'm still waiting for my TV Shows in the UK :(
Fully agree! If this is an update to globally release movies and tv shows all I have to say is FINALLY
If it's not... Apple are letting down anyone outside America once again with another America-centered update :/
Crips Vs Bloods/Stoid and Links: Is there a spec sheet enclosed with your new displays? Do they reflect the updated specs? I'm thinking of getting a 23" myself (directly from a local Apple Store), but I'd want to check the serial # (if possible) before I commit.
Yes and no.
The spec sheet avoids any mention of brightness or contrast ratio.
Guess Apple doesn't want to be bothered printing a new manual every time the panel manufacturer does an update.
Does come with a nice cloth for cleaning the screen though.
I would make sure you serial number is in the 2A62XXXXXXX range.
2A7XXXXXXXX would be later if they are at that number yet.
Crips and loods MusicMarkleshark
Sep 12, 08:49 AM
Um, Disney owns a ton of companies that don't make cartoons.
See, I thougt iToons was quite clever...
andcrips bloods vs cripsCanadaRAM
Jan 12, 12:44 AM
Wow, I just watched the keynote and my god this guy is hard to stand....
i totally agree with you. "aint that just cool?" "probably the best photo management program in the world" he's was pretty hard to stand.
But you watched. Again.
School (Crip Vs Blood)flopticalcube
Apr 15, 07:35 PM
What's CST? I honestly have no idea. Actually, the entire sentence is confusing, could you clarify?
California Standards Test also known as STAR. » Bloods Vs.Interesting how none of the scenes in the ad uses a white iPad.
Cool story bro!
Crips Vs Bloods/MacRumors
Apr 29, 03:43 PM (
With Apple having pushed out a new update ( to the Mac OS X Lion developer preview program, those with access to the new build have been looking for changes in an attempt to see what Apple has been working on over the past few weeks.
One minor point that caught our eye is a change in the user interface elements for selecting subpanes within System Preferences. In this latest build, the active subpane is denoted by a sunken, darker button that appears as if it has been pushed, as shown in the Expos� & Spaces preference pane.
Current "button" style subpane selector with Expos� active
Earlier builds of Mac OS X Lion had used a sort of slider animation where the active subpane was represented by a lighter colored button that confused many users when simply glancing at the pane without attempting to move the slider and thus having the animation to key on.
Earlier "slider" style subpane selector with Spaces active
In the face of that criticism, Apple appears to have rethought its mechanism for switching between subpanes and reverted back to a button style that appears more intuitive.
A similar change has been made in iCal, where an earlier slider-style navigator ( was rolled out to select among day/week/month/year views but has now been replaced by more traditional button-style selectors.
iCal selector buttons in latest Mac OS X Lion build
Article Link: Apple Tweaks Mac OS X Lion UI In Response to Criticism (
quot;Crips and Bloods: Mad insaxamoophone
Apr 29, 04:41 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)
So will ipad3 or ipad4 will be running MAC OS X??
at quot;Crips and Bloods: MadeSo the next will be:
... little i being key.
Yes, it's already here; it's called iOS.
Crips Vs Bloods/I'm ticked off too, I but luckily I only refreshed this page once or twice so all I know is that they announced one product, I've missed most of the details.
When's the dang video gonna be up?
I didn't see the ticker though. I'm ticked because of people IMing me.
crips vs bloods#39;s Comments andiJohnHenry
Apr 16, 05:17 PM
Make more sense. This sentence of yours makes none.
Even a Merriam-Webster is of no value to me, if we don't agree on which word we should use to encapsulate you.
I might have better luck with the Urban Dictionary (
Crips And Bloods: Made InIf this is the case then everyone should be complaining to every single cell phone manufacturer and demand a recall from them too. I don't hear or see that, though.
Oh you silly goose... that is because every other manufacturer's phones are not dropping calls... that is just one of the new things the iPhone is "changing again." It's funny because I've owned dozens and dozens of phones throughout the years including the iPhone 2G, 3G and 3GS and never experienced this garbage...
Bloods VS Cripstoothpaste
Apr 7, 10:48 PM
Just collected this...
Applaud the choice! Type or specs?
I predict that the revenue bump experienced by award winners in previous years will pale in comparison to the bump received by 2011 winners in conjunction with the placement they'll get in the app store following the award. And the 2012 bump will eclipse that.
Not sure what's medically relevant about owning or not owning a gun, but still, why penalize a doctor for asking and not, say, a teacher, clergyman, mechanic, dry cleaner, etc.? It doesn't make any sense.
I don't see anything wrong with it at all. People use children to carry goods all the time and the TSA agent was totally professional about it talking through each step. The rules are there to provide a layer of safety and if you think that it doesn't and don't like the rules, ride the bus!
Better yet, let's remove the TSA agents and let someone fly a plane into another building. :rolleyes:
Nov 23, 08:12 PM
As early as 6am, actually.
yeah that's early! hmmm, what about the new york city 5th ave store? since they're 24/7, when would the sale start off for that store?? 12 midnight tonight??:rolleyes:
it dont have mms
you cant send messages to more then one at a time.
it is not possible to download contacts from sim
its more difficult to call,set up contacts and so on compare to sony/nokia
i have all of these on my iphone, albeit not out of the box....but if your serious about your iphone, you should be jailbreaking it anyway, the amount of apps that will make your phone YOURS is relentless and modding is the way to go.
not sure why you think its more difficult to call, set up contacts etc, strange comment....