Kobe Bryant thinks team will change

"Before the Los Angeles Lakers embarked on their season-long six-game road trip last week, center Andrew Bynum said the team needed to "prove that we're able to win, or else they're going to start doing things." After the Lakers lost to Philadelphia on Monday to fall to 1-2 to start the trip, forward Pau Gasol said, "There's always a sense that if something was going to happen before, something might still happen," referring to the failed three-team trade that would have sent him out of town and landed Chris Paul as a Laker.

Now all of the Lakers' Big Three have spoken on the trade speculation surrounding the Lakers, who at 14-11 have just the fifth best record in the Western Conference, after Kobe Bryant joined 710 ESPN's "Max & Marcellus Show" on Wednesday.

"I'm sure they'll do something," Bryant said. "They'll tweak something. I don't know what. But I'm sure they'll do something."

While Bryant reiterated at Lakers practice Wednesday at the TD Garden that his only motivation as a 16-year veteran is to win another ring and he is "obsessed" with the pursuit of a sixth championship, he made it clear the Lakers organization will do everything possible to make it happen despite the team's mediocre start to the season."

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