Special VIP enclosure at Frankfurt Stadium for Blatter denied

It is one of the weirdest stories I have heard in recent times. According to German media reports there had been a request from FIFA to the German FA (DFB) to rebuild the VIP enclosure at the Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt as the FIFA president Joseph S. Blatter would like to sit on the middle line at the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup final on July 17.

This is not possible at the Frankfurt ground due to a staircase going through down the middle, which would have split the VIP enclosure into two halves and that is not wanted. The FIFA requested the DFB to change this, which would only be possible at a cost of 18,000 Euros which FIFA wasn't willing to pay.

The so-called 'Blatter-Block' affair was stopped on Friday by DFB president Dr. Theo Zwanziger once he got to know about these crazy plans. He sorted it out in a conversation with FIFA Women's head Tatjana Haenni.

Zwanziger said, "When I heard about the plans it was immediately clear to me that these plans would not be implemented. With all due respect to structural measures, which we the DFB also carry out for the German Cup and international matches, at some point a limit is reached. We will present ourselves in Frankfurt as suitable hosts though a staircase will go through the middle of the VIP enclosure."

FIFA withdrew its request, while the criticism against FIFA and its president grows further with such weird requests.

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